Friday, May 12, 2023

Never Say The N-Word

Mathematical Proof that Saying the N Word Is Always Wrong


E = an error/wrong occurs

G = a skin color

T = a form of treatment

S = saying the N word

A = action

R = racist

D - discrimination based on skin color

W = white


1) If R then E 

2) If D then E 

3) If((If A(G) then T) & (if A(Not G) then Not T)) then D

4) If S(W) then R 

5) S is an element of A 

6) R is an element of T 

Proof Steps

SHOW For All S, if S then E 

1) We already know If S(W) then R.  And if R then E. 

2) So now we just need to show If S(not W) then E.  That will 

be enough to show For All S, if S then E.

3) So let's start with S(not W) and see if it leads to E.

4) If (S(not W) then R) is true, then R will lead to E.

5) So we'll say (if S(not W) then not R) and see where that leads.

6) Well, by plugging both what we just did in step 5 into axiom 3

and also plug axiom 4 into axiom 3, that will yield D. 

7) By axiom 2, if we have D then we have E.

8) So whether or not S(not W) leads to R or not R directly,

we still end up with E no matter what. 

9) Conclusion is that S(W) and S(not W) both lead to E,

so for all S, if S then E. 


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